Meet Sarah
How would I describe myself?
Creative, relatable, and an old romantic at heart.
I embrace hard work and challenging situations.
There is always a solution, sometimes it just takes longer to find.
Hover to find out
A Bit About Me
I was born in Greenwich in 1988 but from the age of 12 I grew up on the beautiful island of Lanzarote, which I now call home.
For 15 years I worked in different roles within the tourist industry which gave me the skills needed to train with The Academy of Modern Celebrancy to become an innovative wedding celebrant.
I met the man who is now my husband when I was 16, and we enjoyed 13 years of uninterrupted bliss, we were engaged after 10 years and married a year later. We had holidays in abundance and alively social life. Life was an absolute bowl of cherries. Then our world turned upside down with the arrival of our sleep-stealing and sanity-sapping son, called Travis, who we love more than anything.
That's Us!
Our Lanzarote Wedding Journey
So, rewind a few years… to when I (although I’m sure it should have been 'We') began planning our wedding. Marrying outside of our country of birth presented more legal and regulatory obstacles than I had ever imagined! We knew that we wanted our wedding day to be in Lanzarote, our home. So in my ‘anything is possible mode’, I got researching and we decided to ‘elope’ to Gretna Green for the Legal paperwork, just the 2 of us and the 2 unsuspecting witnesses we found in the bakery across the road!
Our plans for the big traditional "White Wedding" in Lanzarote were well under way. I knew that now we had got the legal stuff out of the way we could have complete control of all the details of our "Big Day". We chose the date, the venue but most importantly we gave great thought to the person we wanted to marry us. Without the restraints of the legal ceremony, and the rules a registrar must follow, we could do anything we wanted. We chose a celebrant who really reflected our personalities and would be true to our preferences for the ceremony. Everything went to plan and we had the perfect day.
Are you finding wedding planning stressful?
My mission now, is to help loving couples create their very own perfect wedding day, on this amazing island.
I have lived in Lanzarote for more than 20 years, I have all the knowledge needed to achieve this mission. I am focussed and professional and have the presence of mind to make a success of your Lanzarote wedding blessing. I look forward to meeting you.
If you would like to discuss your requirements with me, then please click below.
Some couples may struggle with the same initial thoughts that I had, that our wedding day was not going to be the same day that we signed the legal paperwork. To those couples, I would share the words of our Best Man;​
"To be able to gather all of your dearest friends and family together on your special day, to have their love and support as you speak those solemn vows and confess your unrequited love for each other, then this is the day that will be held sacred in your hearts, this is the most personal and memorable experience that you can share.
A lifelong commitment of care and respect is the body of a true marriage."
And well, at least now my husband has two chances of actually remembering an anniversary!