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Are You Finding Wedding Planning Overwhelming?

Just Engaged?! Congratulations.

Have you dreamed about your Big Day for years, knowing exactly how you want it to be?

Or are you somebody who thought, " I'm just not that fussed about the finer details ".

Either way, now that you have started the planning, are you finding it a little overwhelming?

Who knew that there are so many options and why does it all seem so expensive?

I know some Brides and Grooms will send a generic email to lots of different wedding suppliers; Venues, Flowers, Cake, Dress, Suits, D. J’s, Cars, the list goes on.

Then you have to research each and every one, their reviews, their portfolio, their packages and prices, and also take into account what feeling you get from them yourselves.

Also, did they respond quick enough? Does that show that they are busy and popular or that they are un-reliable?

I’ve known some couples to create a spreadsheet, not a bad idea to be honest, or you could just put them all in a list of importance.

Two bits of advice I do have to share are:

1. Try not to fall into the trap of wanting to tick off items on your list as quickly as possible so that you feel you are making progress.

2. Choosing the most budget friendly option for everything. You may come to regret that decision. Section your items into 3 lists: Really Important, Important, Not So Important, (Or The Yes, No, Maybe boxes). This way you can see where you are willing to splurge or budget.

So, what would be at the top of your most important list?

Before you decide, I would like you to imagine standing at the altar in front of you partner, all of your family and friends are sitting behind you.

Are you super nervous, are you feeling apprehensive about what the officiant is going to say and what you are supposed to say back?

Are your wedding guests bored and staring into space?

Is this just a formality or the most significant and wonderful moment of the day, and your lives?

I'm sure you've been to weddings before where the service is forgettable. Yours can be un-forgettable for all the right reasons, when you choose to have a Celebrant Led Ceremony.

Don’t compromise on this area of your special day. This will set the tone for the rest of the evening. When you are in the midst of planning the script with your Celebrant, it will help you to see clearly how you want your dress/suit to look, what flowers you will choose, the style of photographer, the location, etc. This will help make all those overwhelming decisions that much easier, as you will know what style of wedding you are going for.

A Celebrant Led Wedding will elevate your ceremony to new heights, personalised to your specific requirements. A talented Celebrant will get to know you both and create a unique service that reflects your personalities, values, beliefs and wishes. They don’t just turn up on the day and read through the standard, boring, legal words that a registrar has to. They spend days crafting and rehearsing, so that they can execute this “production” to perfection on the wedding day. Ensuring that you do have The Best Day Ever.

See some of my ideas and suggestions on my social media page @thelanzarotecelebrant

And join the Facebook group Help, I'm getting married Lanzarote!! to ask the residents of Lanzarote for their opinions.

Sarah, The Lanzarote Celebrant sits at her computer laughing
The Lanzarote Celebrant

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